Thursday, March 19, 2009

PA Deliverables


I. Original Municipal Building
II. Design Competition
III. Winners McKim, Mead, and White
IV. Architecture of building inspired by renaissance and classicism
V. New York City Skyscrapers
VI. Stalinist architecture inspired by Municipal Building
VII. Function and resounding effects of building on New Yorkers
VIII. Connecting buildings architectural details and building materials to commodity and symbolic nature of building
IX. Conclusion pulling together buildings influence on New Yorkers and the world..


3 perspectives (watercolor & ink on watercolor paper, one black, white, and gray prismacolor markers)
1 interior section elevation (pencil and ink on vellum)
1 exterior front elevation (pencil and ink on velum)
2 plan views (Colored pencil and ink on vellum)
3 architectural details (prisma color markers, and pen on white bond paper)

I have some more exact research to do to figure out the best scale for these images. We have to base these images on other scaled down renderings we find and I'm not exactly sure how to do that, or if we first must find the original dimensions of the building in order to correctly draw our buildings.

Should we have a presentation board for our images? I thought we should but I'm not sure if that would mean that we would need to determine how large our boards could be in order to fit enough in a room for presentations.

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