Friday, August 31, 2007

Negative Space Contours

I think this contour is my most successful one so far
This chair was one of my first negative space drawings. It was drawn at a strange angle since it was sitting on a table and I was looking up at it. The seat of the chair you are seeing is the bottom of the seat because I was looking up at the elevated chair.
These Flowers were very difficult to draw the negative space of since there are so many irregular gaps and spaces.


Melody said...

I love this negative space drawing. It seems like it would be difficult to draw.. but you definitely pulled it off, no problem. I like how you thought out of the box and drew something that wasn't easy. You took a chance and it worked out for the best.

Missy said...

i really like this contour drawing because it is something you do not normally see as a contour. most people drew only chairs (including me) but yours creates interest.

MSS said...

The negative space of the guy is soooo nice!